Zeitplatz am Burgweiher-Park / Seminarraum Stadt St. Gallen

Rentfrom 50 CHF
CategorySeminar room
Guests1 - 40
Overnight stay0 Rooms
Size200 m²
CategoryMeeting, Cultural event, Christmas party, General assembly, Seminar, Private event, Public Event, Brunch, Exhibition, Concert, Corporate event
CitySt. Gallen
Besprechungen, Kurse, Seminare, Kulturveranstal...
Equipment of this location
Wheelchair accessible Yes
Internet with WiFi
Type of location
Training room / Meeting room
Seminar / Education center
Gallery / Studio / Local
Type of events
Position of the Location
By the water
Remote area
In the city / village
Rental options
Exclusive hire (entire venue)
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Zeitplatz - Coworking am Burgweiher-Park
Erik Streller-Shen
Fürstenlandstrasse 35
9000 St. Gallen
Last update: 28.02.2025