Tüchelsaal - Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Rüti ZH

Rentfrom 175 CHF
CategoryEvent hall
Guests1 - 150
Size145 m²
CategoryBanquet, Meeting, Cultural event, Team event, Christmas party, General assembly, Birthday party, Seminar, Wedding, Private event, Conference / Congress, Brunch, Marriage / Civil marriage, Corporate event
CityRüti ZH

Saal für bis zu 150 Pers. für versch. Anlässe

Equipment of this location
Wheelchair accessible Yes
Internet with WiFi
Type of location
Training room / Meeting room
Community center
Community room / hall
Party room
Position of the Location
In the city / village
Rental options
Exclusive hire (entire venue)
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Ref. Kirchgemeinde Rüti
Mathias Brechbühl
Amthofstrasse 12
8630 Rüti ZH
Last update: 28.02.2025

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