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Wedding Locations for rent in Switzerland

781 Entries

781 Entries
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Die ehemalige Walzhalle der Aluminium Press- und Walzwerk Münchenstein AG ist eine einzigartige Eventlocation für jeden Anlass. Die stilvollen und charmanten Räumlichkeiten mit industriellem Flair...

Charmante Eventlocation in industriellem Charme
1 - 220
1 Room
330 m²
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Art-Deco Boutique Hotel

Direkt am Seerhein mit Bootsanlegestelle gelegen, neben dem Naturschutzgebiet und Anbindung an die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel, bieten wir unser stilvolles, Art-Deco Boutique Hotel als exklusive Hochzeitslocation...

Ihr Boutique-Hotel in Gottlieben am Bodensee
1 - 70
Celebrate, celebrate, meet...
Belvoirpark | Events & Banquets Belvoirpark in Zurich, a jewel among parklands and one of the oldest landscape gardens in the region, welcomes you.The Belvoirpark Restaurant, a historic house nestled...
Help shape the change in the world
Conference center & Hotel Schloss Hohenfels Our conference center and hotel, nestled in picturesque nature, is just a 10-minute drive from Lake Constance and 15 minutes from the nearest highway exit....
Startklar Emmen Du suchst eine aussergewöhnliche Location mit unzähligen Möglichkeiten? Wir bieten dir... EINMALIGE INFRASTRUKTUR Vielfältige Eventhalle im Industrie-Look mit Galerie Indirektes Lichtkonzept offene Küche mit Bar...
Spannende Kulinarik im postindustriellen Ambiente
Giesserei Oerlikon Suchen Sie für Ihren Anlass etwas Aussergewöhnliches? Etwas Stimmungsvolles? Ein Erlebnis mit Genuss? Dann sind Sie in der Giesserei genau richtig. Mit unserer grossen Erfahrung...
Feiern & Tagen mit Aussicht 858 Meter über Meer.
Gurten | Park im Grünen ERLEBEN, GENIESSEN UND HORIZONT ERWEITERN Rauf aus der Stadt. Rauf zum Schlemmen. Rauf zum Feiern und Tagen. Rauf zum 360° Panoramablick. Rauf in die Natur....
Summer in Micas Garden
Micas Garten THE city oasis with hanging gardens, several bars and street food kitchensMICAS GARTEN is an urban oasis of around 3,000 square metres in Altstetten and...
Historic old power station Basel
ALTES KRAFTWERK Event location Basel - organise a successful event in the old power stationThe event location Basel at the old power station is an original of...
The unique event location in the harbour of Basel
SANDOASE During the summer months of April-September, dozens of palm trees and millions of fine grains of sand transform the terrace of the Dreiländereck into a...
Rental of mobile chalets in various sizes
Mobile event chalet rental and logistics We are an event agency that transports a mobile chalet of your desired size to your desired location, takes care of assembly and dismantling, organizes...
Bei uns wird Ihr Event zum einzigartigen Erlebnis!
Crowne Plaza Zürich Ihr Event liegt uns am Herzen. Feste feiern und unvergessliche Momente erleben - dies wird bei uns Wirklichkeit. Hochzeiten, Geburtstagsfeiern, Jubiläumsfeiern, Weihnachtsfeiern und auch Bar...
Erfolgreiche Seminare&Veranstaltungen im EPI Park
EPI Park Seminar & Restaurant In unseren Räumlichkeiten mit herrlichem Blick über den Zürichsee bieten wir Ihnen das Rundum-sorglos-Paket für Ihr Seminar, Ihre Tagung oder Ihr Fest. Sie geniessen die...
THE venue for your event
Exclusive boat hire on Lake Lucerne! Special event backdrop for companies and private individualsInspire your guests with lasting enthusiasm by triggering emotions. With the unique backdrop of Lake Lucerne and the...
Atemberaubende Apartments an den besten Locations.
Le Bijou, die exklusivsten Eventlocations der Schweiz. Le Bijou verwandelt aussergewöhnliche Apartments an absoluten Toplagen in das Eventerlebnis der Zukunft! Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak sagt: "Le Bijou - The MOST elegant, personalized,...
The perfect place for private events!
Resident bar, lounge & event location The event location with a unique ambience in the centre of Zurich SeefeldThe Resident in Zurich Seefeld is not just an event location, but a...
Hochzeiten, Events & Seminare
Schweizerhof Flims, Romantik Hotel Was ist besser als ein Hotel ob einem Bergsee? Ein «Belle Epoque» Hotel ob dem türkisgrünen Caumasee natürlich! Willkommen im Romantik Hotel Schweizerhof, Flims –...
Birthday party, wedding, corporate event, dinner
Mellow Eventlocation - Exclusive events for rent in Zurich The Mellow event location, just a few minutes' drive from Zurich railway station, adapts flexibly to any occasion and impresses with its warm, detailed ambience...
Seminare & Bankette
Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern In unseren historischen Sälen haben schon Könige gefeiert. Heute bieten sie Platz für Bankette bis zu 500 Personen. Überlassen Sie uns dabei ruhig die ganze...
For your wedding, anniversary or company celebrati
triibhuus.event Rothrist | Winter & Summer Triibhuus Event Location in RothristSind Sie auf der Suche nach einer Event-Location, die mehr bietet als nur einen leeren Raum? Dann ist das Triibhuus in...
The unique event location inside the mountain
VersuchsStollen Hagerbach The event location with a wow effect for celebrations & conferences, team-building games and many group excursion ideas. So many possibilities under one roof, that's unique...
Seminars, weddings & banquets
Hotel and Restaurant UTO KULM | Top of Zurich The award-winning Hotel & Restaurant UTO KULM sits majestically in nature above the rooftops of Zurich, on the car-free Uetliberg. It offers various seminar rooms...
Meet & celebrate in Europe's most beautiful bay♥️
Hotel Seaside, Spiez - your center of power on Lake Thun ♥️Welcome to Hotel Seaside, Spiez - the place that inspires, energises and offers space for new ideas. Here, meetings are realised with perspective and view...
Braschler's Bar (Mai bis September 2023)
Braschler's Bar (Mai bis September 2023) Braschler's Ob Geburtstag, Steh-Dinner oder Apéro - Braschler`s lässt keine Wünsche unerfüllt. Viele erlesene Schaum- und Stillweine, Spirituosen, Bier und Snack-Spezialitäten lassen das Bar-Lover Herz...
Green, close to nature and the city
Coop Tagungszentrum The Coop Conference Centre in Muttenz is located just a few minutes from Basel and the St. Jakob Stadium and is ideal for seminars, conferences,...
Unique location in Einsiedeln
Milchmanufaktur Einsiedeln Whether it's a wedding, birthday or family celebration, company event or seminar, you've come to the right place. Let us know your wishes and ideas...
Business events | Private events
amboz Werk- und Eventhalle The event venue "amboz" is one of the most beautiful wedding venues in Switzerland. The main building offers 220 m2 of space for dining and...
The smallest 5 star hotel in Switzerland
IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau 5***** s "In Lain" is Romansh and means "in wood". The IN LAIN Hotel Cadonau is located in the middle of the high alpine mountain world and between...
Unforgettable moments
Villa Felber - Music & Events Villa Felber exclusive and extravagant - the "Villa Felber" is a place for cultural encounters and culinary highlights.Whether the modern music lounge in the "Felber...
Traumhafte Location in märchehafter Umgebung
Hotel Scuol Palace - Einzigartige Eventlocation im Unterengadin Erleben Sie einen unvergesslichen Anlass in traumhafter Location. Eingebettet in einer märchehaften, natürlichen Umgebung, mit wunderschönen Räumlichkeiten aus Vergangener Zeit. Das Scuol Palace wurde am...
Indulgence with a view
Sonnenberg Restaurant & Bar Welcome to the Restaurant Sonnenberg! High above the rooftops of Zurich, a traditional place of culinary delights and hospitality awaits you.Whether in our stylishly furnished...
Hochzeiten | Bankette | Tagungen | Apéro
Wasserschloss Wyher Schön, dass Sie sich für das Wasserschloss Wyher interessieren. Das mittelalterliche Wasserschloss ist gerade zu ideal für Ihr Fest. Es liegt leicht ausserhalb des Dorfes...
Wedding, family celebration, birthday, company par
Falkenstein Castle Guesthouse We combine the luxury of simple cuisine with rooms steeped in history and genuine hospitality.When you enter the historic premises of the Gasthaus zum Schloss...
Seminars, Meetings and Events
Sorell Hotel Sonnental Seminars, conferences and banquetsThe Sorell Hotel Sonnental is located close to the city of Zurich and the exhibition centre, the airport, the A1 motorway, as...
Extraordinary premises in Lucerne
Eventlokal weinrausch "Celebrate the festivals as they fall, as the saying goes. Because celebrating is nice - and celebrating is important""Celebrate the festivals as they fall -...
Geschichtsträchtig, denkmalgeschützt und einmalig
Arch Saal Winterthur - direkt beim Hauptbahnhof Winterthur Welcome to the Arch BarHere you can enjoy the best drinks in town in a cosy atmosphere, just a few metres from Winterthur station.Unusual cocktail...
Schloss mieten für Feste & Feiern
Schloss Altishofen Für Ihr nächstes Fest, für eine Hochzeit, für einen Geburtstag oder eine Klassenzusammenkunft, für ein Club-Event, für ein Firmen-Fest, ein Jubiläum, für ein Seminar oder...
LOFT-LOCATION, Industrie, einzigartige Atmosphäre
KULTURGARAGE INTERLAKEN Die Räumlichkeiten der Kulturgarage sind Kunstatelier, Möbelwerkstatt, Nähatelier und Restaurant. Wir sind sehr darauf bedacht ihnen eine authentische, charakteristisch, stilvolle Location mit viel charme im...
We are your exclusive location for up to 36 gue
Small & fine at the Pöstli in Lachen Whether it's a wedding, birthday party or company event - we will do everything we can to make it YOUR party - a party to...

Your dream wedding starts here

Everything for your wedding in one place: From wedding locations to all services.
With over 800 unique wedding locations across the country, EventButler is the ultimate destination to realize your dream wedding.

The perfect wedding location for your big day

Your wedding day is a very special moment, and the choice of the right location plays a crucial role in an unforgettable celebration. On EventButler, you will find the largest selection of wedding locations in all of Switzerland.

Discover the variety of wedding locations on EventButler

From idyllic mountain settings to romantic castles and stylish hotels - EventButler presents a wide range of wedding locations. Whether you dream of an intimate outdoor wedding, an elegant villa, or an exclusive event hall, you will find it here.

Everything for your wedding in one place

EventButler is not only your source for the perfect wedding location, but also offers all other services related to weddings. From catering and decoration to the selection of wedding planners and photographers - here you will find everything you need for a smooth and unforgettable wedding.

Make your wedding dreams come true

With EventButler, you have the opportunity to plan and implement your wedding down to the smallest detail. Be inspired by the breathtaking locations, explore the various services, and design your wedding according to your individual wishes and imaginations.

The advantages of EventButler for your wedding

  • Variety: Choose from over 800 wedding locations the one that perfectly suits you and your partner.
  • Convenience: Find not only the perfect wedding location, but also all other services you need for your wedding.
  • Time saving: With EventButler, you have all the important information and contacts in one place, which significantly simplifies the planning of your wedding.
  • Reliability: Rely on the proven quality of the wedding locations and service providers presented on EventButler.

Conclusion: Your dream wedding starts at EventButler

At EventButler, you will not only find the ideal wedding location, but also all the services that make your wedding an unforgettable event. Dive into the world of wedding locations, discover the variety, and plan your wedding stress-free and with ease. Start planning your dream wedding on EventButler today - stress-free and free of charge. Further helpful resources on the subject of weddings at EventButler: Wedding Planner Edition 2023-24 Helpful checklists and tips and tricks for wedding planning